PinnedJacks and Atoms Climb Over the Mountains with New MusicA Story of Friendship, Growth, Music, and HealingNov 5, 20242Nov 5, 20242
PinnedPublished inILLUMINATIONPep Talks for Overwhelming SituationsLast week, Diana C. posted several writing prompts. One of her prompts was for writers to write a pep talk to themselves. In this article…Feb 7, 20235Feb 7, 20235
PinnedPublished inILLUMINATIONThree Wonderful Mental Health AppsFree and Easy Apps to Use for SupportSep 9, 20225Sep 9, 20225
PinnedSix Affirmations for HopeWhen hope dims, affirmations rekindle the flame. Here are my six favorite affirmations.Apr 25, 202110Apr 25, 202110
My Experience on a Dating Group for ChristiansTrigger Warning: While this post's overall message applies to everyone, it contains preachy content. If you are offended by the Christian…Jan 3Jan 3
Published inILLUMINATIONArtistic Inspiration in Everyday LifeA Glimpse Into Luke Shemroske’s ArtDec 23, 2024Dec 23, 2024