An Open Letter to My Dogs

Thank you for loving me unconditionally.

Martha Lueck
2 min readJul 26, 2022
Photo by Martha Lueck

Dear Jax and Lulu,

Since the day you guys joined my family, your presence has made my life so much better. While many of my friends were crossing huge milestones off their lists, I was a little sad, lonely, and jealous. But you guys never judged me for that. You wanted to spend time with me in my hard moments.

I know that I don’t always make time for you. You have all the time in the world to go on walks and play, but I spend most of my time working or writing. Thank you for climbing up on my lap during two-hour-long writing sessions to remind me that we need to take walks together. Thank you for resting your heads against my legs when I’m just sitting in front of the television instead of playing with you. I’m sorry that I don’t always give you the attention that you deserve.

Since the beginning of the year, you reminded me to enjoy the simple things in life. You are always eager for me to take you outside and watch you wrestle with each other. Your playful energy and affection remind me that it’s okay to be single and childless. You guys give me all the entertainment and love that I need.

You also reminded me that you understand more than I give you credit for. You pick up on people’s tone of voice, facial expressions, and body…



Martha Lueck
Martha Lueck

Written by Martha Lueck

Published author | Freelance blogger for | Passionate about mental health and Jesus |

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