Five Things to Do Before You Submit Your Writing

Martha Lueck
6 min readMay 26, 2021

Tips to help you ace an essay or publish your best work

Photo by Dan Counsell on Unsplash

Whether you are writing a story for work, school, or an online publication, high-quality work takes time and dedication. Your first draft could take several days or weeks. Perhaps you will feel tempted to publish this draft before editing so that you won’t have to worry about it anymore. But trust me when I say that submitting your writing too soon is a mistake. Rushing the process could lead to spelling and grammatical errors, factual inaccuracy, confusing messages, or accidental plagiarism. To submit your best writing, here are five things I recommend doing first.

Write a clear message

When you write any story, you need to know the purpose behind your writing and the message you will send. For instance, I wrote a story about my mental health issues in my twenties and what I learned after seeking treatment. I wrote my story with a conversational tone. It was clear that I wanted to connect with readers who were thinking about seeking mental health treatment. I assured them that there was nothing wrong with seeking help. I also promoted mental health awareness. By including the appropriate keywords in my title, the message was clear from the start.



Martha Lueck

Published author | Freelance blogger for | Passionate about mental health and Jesus |