Just One Message

Day 62 of a Writing Challenge

Martha Lueck
2 min readMar 4, 2024
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

I recently found the “Random Word Drabble Challenge” from a publication called Fiction Shorts. A drabble is a fiction story with 100 words (no more, no less).

Every day, Nancy Oglesby posts a new word for writers to focus on. This drabble is a response to yesterday’s word — hesitation.

Please remain on this page for at least 30 seconds so that it counts as a read.

It took Stephanie over 10 minutes to write a short message on Match.

Hi Gavin! It looks like we have a lot in common! I love Drew Lynch’s comedy, too! What’s your favorite sketch?

He’s not going to respond to that, Stephanie thought. She frantically deleted the message and started typing another one.

Hey, Gavin! You seem like a cool person. We —

Before she finished typing, she received a “like” with a message.

Hi Stephanie. I’m Gavin. I love your taste in music and TV shows. What are your favorite quotes from The Office?

Stephanie smiled and responded without hesitation.

Thank you for reading my drabble. If you enjoyed it, check out more of my content below.



Martha Lueck

Published author | Freelance blogger for HealthyPlace.com | Passionate about mental health and Jesus | https://tinyurl.com/5fbu7pj7