Putting the Pieces Together

Martha Lueck
8 min readApr 9, 2024
Photo by Vardan Papikyan on Unsplash

As a child, I learned that I was adopted at two months. It was no secret. I appreciated that my adoptive parents (Maggie and Ross) were honest with me. They always loved me; I never questioned that.

But I had a lot of questions about my biological parents, Dean and Andrea. Some non-adoptees have said, "Why are you so interested in learning about or finding them? They gave you up, right?” Okay, putting myself in their shoes, that makes sense.

But here’s the thing. My biological parents did not “give me up.” They placed me in to adoption so that I could thrive in a loving and stable home.

Yes, there were times when I questioned their intentions. But it didn’t negate the fact that I was truly interested in learning more about them. Despite hearing that they weren’t in the state to raise me, and I wasn’t emotionally ready to meet them, I wondered things like…

What were they like now? What did they look like? Oh, Dean was a writer? Cool! I love writing!

I imagined what Dean wrote about and if he got anything published. This was especially true in high school when my passion for writing really took off. Since I didn’t know too much about Andrea, I wondered if she had creative passions as well. Again, it was the curiosity about what tied…



Martha Lueck

Published author | Freelance blogger for HealthyPlace.com | Passionate about mental health and Jesus | https://tinyurl.com/5fbu7pj7