Member-only story
My Experience on a Dating Group for Christians
Trigger Warning: While this post's overall message applies to everyone, it contains preachy content. If you are offended by the Christian faith, this post might not be for you. I want to respect all religions and comfort levels.
I’m on a Christian dating group for singles. A post asked us to share a photo of us experiencing a “happy moment” this year—I think it was supposed to say “last year.” Anyway, I posted a picture of myself in Tennessee last month. I was wearing a casual outfit and barely any makeup. A man commented with a meme expressing how ugly I looked.
Um…NUMBER 1: The post was about when we were “happy,” not when we looked the “hottest”! Number 2: While it’s okay not to be physically attracted to someone, it is NOT okay to comment on how “ugly” they are.
If you’re a Christian looking to date, please follow the Bible. It reminds us that when we lust after others, we must resist giving into temptation and get to know a person’s heart. Appearance can be deceiving. It also reminds us to date intentionally — for marriage. If a man is only interested in a woman’s appearance, he’ll be disappointed. (The same goes for women). Appearance is fleeting.
Many (but not all) of the women who get plenty of likes in the group wear a lot of makeup and revealing clothes. The Bible says to dress modestly. I am NOT shaming those women who wear makeup or dress a certain way. That’s not my place, and I’m not perfect. I’m saying looks are not what’s ultimately…