The Love We Have Yet to Find

Martha Lueck
4 min readApr 30, 2024

Your phone dings with another notification from that handsome, pretty, successful, funny, incredible person you’ve been talking to online for a week or two. FINALLY, they ask you on an actual date!

Several things start going through your head. I can’t believe they want to meet me! What if I screw this up? What if he doesn’t show? Or what if she’s talking to a million other guys? I’m going to have to compete with dozens of other people! What will I wear?

You talk to your best friend because you know they’ll help you calm down. They give you a pep talk and promise to be there for you “just in case” you need an out.

This is it. Five minutes before the date, you’re ready! Well…maybe not, but you have to fake confidence!

The date goes well. He checks all your boxes. You laugh and talk about all the things you have in common. You go home and think…Maybe I can finally delete my Hinge account!

Days go by, and you haven’t heard from the person. So you text to say hi, hoping to get a response.

Nothing. You’re back to square one, wondering what you did wrong and if you weren’t good enough. Now you’re going to have to go back and weed out all the weirdos or people who just don’t check all your boxes.

It’s hard, right? Maybe it’s the energy we give off or the lack of confidence. Or perhaps it’s not us but the other people who are emotionally unavailable.



Martha Lueck

Published author | Freelance blogger for | Passionate about mental health and Jesus |